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NFL ECCENTRIC ISOMETRICS Circuit! Zercher Squats with Chains, Pushups on Bear Blocks, & Hang Cleans
NFL Training: Constant Tension Partial Zercher Squats and Single Leg Pushups on Flex Disc
Single Leg Zercher Squats with Fat Grips & Eccentric Isometrics
NFL FULL BODY 90 EI Circuit Single Leg Band Pushups, Hanging Band Front Curled Squats, Kickstand Row
90 Degree Eccentric Isometric Zercher Split Squat Lunge
4 Exercises!!! Sports Specific NFL Sprinter Circuit
Pushups for PRO Athletes!! Single Leg Bear Crawl Pushups on Foam Roller and Bear Blocks
5 FULL BODY STABILITY Exercises: Sport Specific Circuit with EdgeCross-X
Eccentric Isometrics Zercher Reverse Lunges and MOBO Single Leg Hinges
NFL Training Single Leg Pushups, HBT Squats, Kickstand Rows, & Jumps
Eyes Closed SQUAT CIRCUIT!!! Eccentric Isometric Goblet Squats with Squat and Lateral Raise
5 Part STRENGTH TRAINING Circuit Using Bridge The Gap Protocol for Improved Biomechanics